Détails Publication
Study of the Performance of a Solar Refrigerator Using a Silica Gel-water Combination,
Lien de l'article: 10.9734/CJAST/2023/v42i334222
Auteur(s): Zakaria Guene , Guy Christian Tubreoumya , Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo , Oumar Bailou , Kayaba Haro , Issoufou Ouarama , Aboubacar Compaore and Alfa Oumar Dissa
Renseignée par : TUBREOUMYA Guy-Christian

Solar adsorption refrigeration as an environmentally-friendly refrigeration method has attracted a
great deal of interest over the world. This technology will therefore benefit developing countries with
high solar energy potential. The aim of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the
functioning of the refrigeration systems by adsorption. An experimental survey is conducted on such
a prototype using silicagel-water couple constructs by BLM and installed in Ouagadougou (IRSAT)
in the eighties. In this study, we measured the overall solar radiation on the collector, ambient
temperature and the temperature of the various parts of the system, i.e., the collector, condenser
and evaporator. We then used A. Errougani's correlation to estimate the mass of water adsorbed to calculate the amount of cold produced at the evaporator. The observed facts were that the SCOP of
this machine varies between 0,091 and 0,138 for an average daily solar radiation ranging from
14,56 MJ and 18,68 MJ. This prototype, despite its old age had an interesting SCOP and testifies an
increase of the temperature to the evaporator in relation to the one predicted initially


Adsorption; refrigeration; silicagel-water; solar energy; solar performance coefficient; experimental
