Détails Publication
Entropy solution to nonlinear multivalued elliptic problem with variable exponents and measure data,
Discipline: Mathématiques
Auteur(s): Ismae ̈l Nyanquini, Stanislas Ouaro, and Safimba Soma
Auteur(s) tagués:
SOMA Safimba ;
OUARO Stanislas
Renseignée par : SOMA Safimba
We study a nonlinear elliptic problem governed by a general Leray-Lions operator
with variable exponents and diffuse Radon measure data that does not charge the sets of zero
p(.)-capacity. We prove a decomposition theorem for these measures (more precisely, as a sum ′
of a function in L1(Ω) and of a measure in W−1,p (.)(Ω)) and an existence and uniqueness result of entropy solution.
Diffuse measure, biting lemma of Chacon, maximal monotone graph, Radon measure data, weak solution, entropy solution, Leray-Lions operator