Détails Publication
Intrusion-related gold mineralization: Inata gold deposit, Bélahourou district, Northern Burkina Faso (West-Africa),
Auteur(s): Herman Ilboudo, Sâga Sawadogo, Abraham Seydoux Traoré, Martial Sama, Urbain Wenmenga, Martin Lompo
Renseignée par : SAWADOGO Sâga

The Inata cluster of gold deposits is one of ten gold deposits currently in exploitation in Burkina Faso. The aim of
this work was to assess the influence and contribution of the magmatic events in the metallogenic system. Our
approach is based on detailed field observation and petrography of different lithologies encountered in the main
pit (NP). The intrusions were targeted and reasonably, six types were described: (i) gabbro, (ii) porphyrytic
diorite, (iii) foliated intrusion, (iv) quartz-feldspar (micro) diorite, (v) dacite, (vi) fine grained diorite. No clear
relationship was established between gabbro and the mineralization but quartz ± feldspar dioritic and dacitic
compositions may have contributed in fluid remobilizing, some of which developed pressure shadow with optimal energy. Inata has been described as mesothermal gold deposit. The series of intrusions as we have interpreted may help in the understanding of the several episodes of gold mineralization at Inata. In summary, this
paper is a contribution that highlights the closeness of the magmatic bodies in relationship with the gold deposit
in that part of the Birimian terrane. We think this could help in enhancing interest for some other similar
environment in Burkina Faso, particularly when supported with whole rock analysis.


West african craton, Burkina Faso, Inata, Birimian, Gold, Intrusion
