Détails Publication
Investigation of the Behavior of a Photovoltaic Cell under Concentration as a Function of the Temperature of the Base and a Variable External Magnetic Field in 3D Approximation,
Auteur(s): Boubacar Soro, Adama Ouedraogo, Mahamadi Savadogo, Ramatou Konate, Guyserge Tchouadep, Martial Zoungrana, Sié Kam
Renseignée par : OUEDRAOGO Adama

The photovoltaic (PV) cell performances are connected to the base photogenerated carriers charge. Some studies showed that the quantity of the photo-generated carriers charge increases with the increase of the solar illumination.
This situation explains the choice of concentration PV cell ( C = 50 suns ) in this study. However, the strong photogeneration of the carriers charge causes a high heat production by thermalization, collision and carriers charge braking due to the electric field induced by concentration gradient. This heat brings the heating of the PV cell base. That imposes the taking into account of the temperature influence in the concentrator PV cell operation. Moreover,
with the proliferation of the magnetic field sources i n the life space, it is i mportant to consider its effect on the PV cell performances. Thus, when magnetic field and base temperature increase simultaneously, we observe a deterioration of the photovoltage, the electric power, the space charge region capacity, the fill factor and the conversion efficiency. However the photocurrent increases when the base temperature increases and the magnetic field strength decreases. It appears an inversion phenomenon in the evolution of the electrical parameters as a function of magnetic field for the values of magnetic field B 4.10^-4 T.


Thermalization, Base Temperature, Magnetic Field, Fill Factor, Efficiency, Space Charge Region Capacity
