Détails Publication
Combinatorics on words obtaining by k to k substitution and k to k exchange of a letter on modulo-recurrent words,
Lien de l'article: https://doi.org/10.26637/mjm11S/006
Discipline: Mathématiques
Auteur(s): Moussa Barro, K. Ernest Bognini and Théodore Tapsoba
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Renseignée par : BOGNINI K. Ernest
We introduce two new concepts which are the $k$ to $k$ substitution and $k$ to $k$ exchange of a letter on infinite words. After studying the return words and the special factors of words obtaining by these applications on Sturmian words and modulo-recurrent words. Next, we establish the complexity functions of these words. Finally, we determine the palindromic complexity of these words.
Sturmian words, modulo-recursive, $k$ to $k$ substitution, $k$ to $k$ exchange, complexity function, palindrome