Détails Publication
Genotype and irrigation regime interaction on agronomic traits of irrigated rice varieties cultivated in Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Dominique Nikiéma, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Adjima Ouoba, Yapi Issoufou Sinaré, Mamadou Laho Barry, Moussa Sié
Renseignée par : SAWADOGO Nerbéwendé

Water scarcity is the main obstacle to rice production in Burkina Faso. This study evaluated the effects of water regime and genotype on morpho-agronomic parameters of rice varieties and their water use efficiency. During two consecutive years, 20 rice varieties were subjected to three irrigation regimes: sprinkler, drip and submersion (control). The results showed a differential behaviour of the varieties within each irrigation type and between the water regimes. The highest average grain yield (over 8.5 t/ha) in both seasons was obtained in drip irrigation compared to sprinkler and submersion regimes where it was about 4 t/ha. The highest water use efficiency was also observed in drip irrigation (10.5 kg/ha.mm), followed by sprinkler (about 4.50 kg/ha.mm) and submersion (less than 3 kg/ha.mm). The GGE-biplot analysis revealed that the effect of the genotype and the genotype environment (G*E) interaction (86.8%) predominated in the observed variation. Variety IR841 was the best performing in the biplot region which represented the control (submersion) and variety FKR19 was the best performing in the regions which represented the other water regimes (sprinkler and drip). The results obtained could be used in programmes to promote intensive rice production.


Burkina Faso, G*E interaction, genetic variability, Oryza, water regime
