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Prevalence of Intestinal Opportunistic Parasites Infections among HIV Positive Children in the University Hospital Center Yalgado Ouédroago of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Traoré Roukiatou1*, Zongo Cheikna, Zongo Oumarou, Ouédraogo Ganamé Abasse, Zida Adama, Yonaba Caroline, Traoré Yves, Savadogo Aly
Renseignée par : ZONGO Cheikna

In Sub-saharan Africa, gastrointestinal parasites infections are widespread,particularly among immune deficient individuals. Prevalence of these infectionsvaries from locality to other due to many factors. The present cross-sectional studyaimed to assess the prevalence of intestinal parasites among HIV-positive childrenin the paediatric clinic at the University Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo ofOuagadougou. A cross-sectional study was conducted in the University hospital ofOuagadougou from July to November 2015. Ninety-three (93) freshly issued stoolsamples were collected in HIV-positive children less than 15 years old. Stoolsamples were analysed for the presence of various intestinal parasites using directmicroscopy, formol-ether concentration method, modified Ziehl Neelsen stain andWeber trichrome stain. The study included 93 HIV positive children. Theprevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 24.73% (23/93). The most detectedparasites were Entamoeba coli (52.17% for total detected parasites), Trichomonasintestinalis (21.73%), Giardia intestinalis (8.65%), Entamoeba histolytica(4.34%). Patients with multi-infection (2 or 3 parasites) have been detected. Theparticipants, 97.5% (89/93) were on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and 81.76%(76/93) were on ARV therapy. Despite the medical care given to the HIV-infectedchildren, the prevalence of opportunistic intestinal is high at the Universityhospital Yalgado Ouédraogo (CHU-YO) and deserves special attention.

