Détails Publication
Analysis and Comparison of Doping Level Effects on a Crystalline Silicon PV Cell under Both Moderate Light Concentration and Normal Illumination Modes,
Auteur(s): Mahamadi Savadogo, Adama Ouedraogo, Boubacar Soro, Zi Daouda Koudougou, Martial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo
Renseignée par : SAVADOGO Mahamadi

The main purpose of this work is to study doping level effects on a silicon PV cell under both moderate light concentration and normal illumination. This study also aims to compare the doping level effects under the both illumination modes. The results show for both illumination modes that diffusion parameters decrease with increasing doping level. These results are in agreement with the studies of the current and the voltage which showed for the
two illumination modes that doping level increase leads to a decrease in current density and an increase in voltage. It also emerges for the two illumination modes and for the doping range 1013 cm−3 - 1016 cm−3, a decrease of
maximum power and conversion efficiency. The results also show that decrease of diffusion parameters is faster under moderate concentration in comparison with normal illumination. These results predict a greater variation
rate of the current, the voltage, the maximum power and the conversion efficiency under moderate concentration compared to normal illumination. Contrary to diffusion parameters study, the results show higher variation rates of
parameters under normal illumination. This is explained by the fact that under moderate concentration, carriers density is close to doping level: the cell is then in high injection condition. Consequently, under moderate concentration, carriers density is less sensitive to doping level variations. The study confirms that carriers density variation with the doping level is weak under the moderate concentration compared to normal illumination.


Moderate Light Concentration, Doping Level, High Injection, Diffusion Parameters, Conversion Efficiency
