Détails Publication
Mortalité d’origine Cardiovasculaire au Centre Hospitalier Régional de Koudougou,
Auteur(s): Jonas Kologo Koudougou, Rélwendé Aristide Yaméogo, Joël Bamouni, Stéphane Balima, Yibar Kambiré, Hermann Adoko, Widouh Benjamin Adolphe Zingué Ouattara, Georges Rosario Christian Millogo, Anna Tall, André Koudnoaga Samadoulougou, Patrice Zabsonré
Renseignée par : YAMEOGO Relwende Aristide

Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases are a real public health concern all over the world and more specifically in the developing countries. The aim of this study was to analyze the causes and factors associated with mortality of cardiovascular origin in the medical and emergencies departments at the Koudougou Regional Hospital (RH). Methods. This study was a retrospective and descriptive study conducted over a period of 12 months from January 1st 2014 to December 31st, 2014. It was conducted in the medical and emergencies departments within the Koudougou RH. Results. We recorded 282 deceased person. We selected 275 deceased persons according to our inclusion criteria. Deaths due to cardiovascular pathologies accounted for 73 cases corresponding to 26.55%. Sex ratio was 1.8. Patients’ average age was 62 ± 17.6 years. Forty patients corresponding to 54.8% were referred and 80% of them came from health and social promotion centers. Strokes representing 32.8% were the hypotheses mentioned upon admission. State of shock represented 32.8% of the immediate causes of death. Sixty-four point four percent of patients had systemic hypertension as the most frequent initial death cause (47 cases). Thirty five cases of premature deaths, corresponding to 47.9% were observed. Conclusion. Cardiovascular diseases are a real public health concern in our countries undergoing an epidemiological transition. Mortality related to these diseases in Koudougou RH was widely dominated by systemic hypertension. This mortality can be reduced through preventive actions meant for the population including a reorganization of health system and hospital services to improve quality of care.


Causes de décès, Maladies cardiovasculaires, Mortalité, Koudougou
