Détails Publication
Molecular characterization of the main fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases in Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Adjima Ouoba, Elisabeth P. Zida, Romain Soalla, Martine Bangratz, Palanga Essowè, Moussa N’Golo Konaté, Hervé Nandkangré , Mahama Ouédraogo and Mahamadou Sawadogo
Auteur(s) tagués: OUOBA Adjima ; SAWADOGO Mahamadou
Renseignée par : OUOBA Adjima

Objective: This study aims to update the database of fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar
diseases in Burkina Faso using both molecular and morphological identification approaches.
Methodology and Results: In this study, molecular approach based on the sequencing of ITS (Internal
Transcripted Spacer) region of fungi and morphological approach were used to identify the main fungi
associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases. The study was performed with universal polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) primer ITS1/ITS4. BlastN comparisons between 19 fungal isolates contigs of the 16
major fungi were produced by their DNA sequences assembly and GenBank sequences yielded identity
scores of 99 to 100 % with all of them. The degrees of similarity between these contigs and the loci
sequences of classified fungi in GenBank indicate that our fungal isolates are the same species with those
in Genbank, particularly the first of the list show after the blastN. It is the first report of molecular
characterization of the main fungi infecting Bambara groundnut in Burkina Faso.
Conclusion and Application of results: Nineteen fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases
were identified and can be taken as targets in varietal improvement of Bambara groundnut for resistance to
fungal diseases in Burkina Faso


Bambara groundnut, fungi, molecular characterization, PCR primer ITS1/ITS4
