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Hybrid Approach to Cross-Platform Mobile Interface Development for IAAS,
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Auteur(s): Yacouba Kyelem, Kisito Kiswendsida Kabore, Didier Bassole
Renseignée par : BASSOLE Didier

Information Access Assistant Service (IAAS) is a collaborative filtered document recommendation system. The validation of the model was carried out by implementing the system on a library management software in a target and closed environment using Web technology. The tests are performed with computers, which limits the use of IAAS. As of today, smartphones occupy a place of choice in population’s daily life and moreover, the Web technology used does not promote a good adaptation of interfaces on the mobile. This led us to think about setting up a user interface facilitating human computer interaction on the mobile. The existence of a multitude of mobile platforms, of different sizes and regarding to the context of the use of IAAS, we adopted for cross-platform development. In this paper, we proposed to use the hybrid approach and we used ionic as an implementation tool for our mobile solution. We set up the solution and also performed display tests and evaluation in a closed environment. The test was done by setting up a server, a connection, and three smartphones. The results observed show a good adaptation of the interfaces on the different smartphones but also in relation to the Web interfaces.


IAAS, Cross-platform, Ionic, Hybrid approach
