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« Bible Translation and Feminism in Burkina Faso: Some Reflections Drawn from the Dioula and Mooré Biblical Versions »,
Auteur(s): F.E.G. SANON-OUATTARA et André KABORÉ
Auteur(s) tagués: KABORE André
Renseignée par : KABORE André

This paper considers translation as the reflection of norms, and culture as a man￾dominated frame in which occur daily interactions. Hence, any culture-based translation process in a man-dominated frame tends to replicate or deepen women‘s inferior image. Taking for granted women's inferiority in Burkinabe patriarchal society, this paper examines the degree in which the existing state of women's inferiority has been transferred into Bible translation. The analysis shows that the mapping of Bible translation into culture by the use of dynamic /functional equivalence maintains and sometimes widens existing biblical inequalities between men and women. It reveals that the feminist trend has had no positive effect on Bible translation in that country. The methodology used is analytical and critical. Verses dealing with the relationship between men and women were selected in French, used as a source text in most Bible translations in Burkina Faso, and Mooré and Dioula, two Burkina languages. The analysis was made through a linguistic comparison of the selected verses to show how the differences between men and women were deepened in the Mossi and Dioula versions as compared to French. Translation shows a reflection of some traditions of Burkina Faso, thus creating a vicious circle for the feminist fight in this country. « Bible Translation and Feminism in Burkina Faso: Some Reflections Drawn from the Dioula and Mooré Biblical Versions »


Translation - Bible – Feminism - Culture – Dioula – Mooré
