Détails Publication
New Innovative Method in the Field of Social Choice Theory,
Auteur(s): Zoïnabo Savadogo1 , Sougoursi Jean Yves Zaré1 , Wambie Zongo1 , Somdouda Sawadogo2 , Blaise Somé1
Auteur(s) tagués: SERE/SAVADOGO Zoïnabo
Renseignée par : SERE/SAVADOGO Zoïnabo

Social choice theory includes the study of voting methods. In the literature on social choice theory many methods
exist, the main objective of all these methods is the determination of a good method. However, many of these methods give
controversial results which often lead to disputes. It should also be noted that sometimes, regardless of the method used, there
are people who are not ready to accept the results given by the ballot box. The ideal would be to find a method with good
properties, because it seems that there are no completely satisfactory methods. Since the goal of a voting method is to reconcile
several points of view into a general interest, one should focus on the properties. The geometric mean does not lead to a
compensation of weak criteria by stronger ones as it is the case with the arithmetic mean. Indeed, by using the geometric mean,
even if only one criterion is very weak and the others are very strong, a candidate may not be well ranked; moreover, assent
voting is very well appreciated in the literature by many authors and also generates huge opportunities. This justifies our
choice in this work to combine geometric mean and assent voting to develop a method with good properties.


New Method, Innovative
