Détails Publication
Essential Oils as an Alternative to Pyrethroids’ Resistance against Anopheles Species Complex Giles (Diptera: Culicidae),
Auteur(s): Olivier Gnankiné and Imaël Henri Nestor Bassolé
Auteur(s) tagués: BASSOLE Imaël Henri Nestor
Renseignée par : BASSOLE Imaël Henri Nestor

Widespread resistance of Anopheles sp. populations to pyrethroid insecticides has led to the search for sustainable alternatives in the plant kingdom. Among many botanicals, there is great interest in essential oils and their constituents. Many researchers have explored essential oils (EOs) to determine their toxicity and identify repellent molecules that are effective against Anopheles populations. Essential oils are volatile and fragrant substances with an oily consistency typically produced by plants. They contain a variety of volatile molecules such as terpenes and terpenoids, phenol-derived aromatic components and aliphatic components at quite different concentrations with a significant insecticide potential, essentially as ovicidal, larvicidal, adulticidal, repellency, antifeedant, growth and reproduction inhibitors. The current review provides a summary of chemical composition of EOs, their toxicity at different developmental stages (eggs, larvae and adults), their repellent effects against Anopheles populations, for which there is little information available until now. An overview of antagonist and synergistic phenomena between secondary metabolites, the mode of action as well as microencapsulation technologies are also given in this review. Finally, the potential use of EOs as an alternative to current insecticides has been discussed.


essential oils; Anopheles sp.; insecticides; repellent; pyrethroid resistance
