Détails Publication
Hydromechanical Behavior of Low-Swelling Soils Compacted at Low Water Content: Laboratory Study,
Auteur(s): Gandema, S., Kebré, M.B. & Naon, B.
Auteur(s) tagués: KEBRE Bawindsom Marcel
Renseignée par : KEBRE Bawindsom Marcel

Fine unsaturated soils are used in many applications, particularly in road infrastructure and in construction. These materials undergo deformations according to the stresses to which they are subjected. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of hydromechanical stresses on the behavior of low swelling soils compacted at low water content in accordance with the French standard GTR 92 (Guide des Terrassements Routiers). Then, various experimental tests on an oedometer were carried out in the laboratory. Two types of low swelling soil sampled in Nasso on the outskirts of the town of Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) were used. After shuffling, each sample was moistened to its optimum water content and then compacted to 90% and 95% of its optimum density. Behavior tests show that these soils deform very little when subjected to hydromechanical stresses. However, these deformations are swelling in nature for low mechanical stresses and when the stresses are high, they tend to collapse. When these soils are subjected to a vertical stress of 420 kPa, the primary consolidation time is of the order of one minute for NH2 (a silty soil) and about ten minutes for NH3 (a silty-clayed soil).


Unsaturated Soil, Compacted, Swelling, Low Water Content, Wetting, Oedometer
