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Supplemental irrigation frequencies effects on the morphological and yield parameters of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] in Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Razacswendé Fanta OUEDRAOGO, Adama Pascal KIHINDO, Abdoulaye SAWADOGO, Zeya KABORE, Rasmata NANA, Badiel BADOUA, Edmond DONDASSE, Pépin Patrice SOME, Mahamadou SAWADOGO,
Auteur(s) tagués: NANA Rasmata
Renseignée par : NANA Rasmata

Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is grown throughout the world thanks to its short cycle, its great adaptability to climatic conditions and its good digestibility. In Burkina Faso, agriculture is faced with irregular rainfalls, resulting in water stress on plants causing growth and yields reduction. This study aims at identifying supplemental irrigation frequencies that help good mung bean plant to grow and yield. So, four watering schemes were applied to plants aged 26 days, grown in pots on a sandy and silty substrate, in natural conditions of light and temperature during the wet season. The watering regimes concerned a batch of plants watered only by rain (0 day scheme) and three other batches, each watered with tap water in the absence of rain respectively every 5 days, every 10 days and every 15 days. A completely randomized three-replicate block system was set up and agro-morphology parameters were measured. The study showed that the 5 days diet resulted in plants with better growth and good pod yields compared to other watering schemes. These results confirm that supplemental irrigation applied early during drought po0063kets is resilience to the irregularity of rains in the wet season, which is accentuated by climate change.


Biomass, Mung bean, Pods, Watering scheme, Wet season
