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Potential medicinal plants used by traditional healers in western areas of Burkina Faso.,
Auteur(s): ZERBO Patrice, COMPAORE Moussa, MEDA N.T.Roland, LAMIEN-MEDA Aline, KIENDREBEOGO Martin
Renseignée par : ZERBO Patrice

Since prehistoric times, plants have been used as source of remedies for the treatment of diseases. People of each continent have their own practices about medicinal plants. Despite the large scale environmental degradation and recurrent drought, medicinal plants are still playing significant role in the management of various human diseases in western area of Burkina Faso. Interviews were undertaken at 100 traditional healers, using structured questionnaires. Twelve medicinal plants were reported to be used to treat various human diseases. Leafy stems were the most frequently used plant parts in the preparation of remedies in this area. The interviewees mentioned 13 different
categories of body disorders which are treated with different plant-based medication. Circulation systems disorders (CID: 10%), digestive disorders (DID: 10%), genitor-urinary disorders (GED: 12%), infections and infestations (INF: 10%), mental disorders (MED: 11%), nervous disorders (NED: 10%) and nutritional disorders (NUD: 11%) are the most recorded body problem treated. Despite this fact, there is little effort to cultivate or manage medicinal plants. Thus awareness is needed be raised among local people on sustainable utilization and management of the plant resources.


Ethnobtanical, Vegetal biodiversity Body disorders, Western areas, Burkina Faso
