Détails Publication
Genetic Diversity of Local Rice Accessions Cultivated in Guinea Based on Agro-Morphological Traits and Identification of Sources of Tolerance to Iron Toxicity,
Auteur(s): Mamadou Laho Barry, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo , Mahamadi Hamed Ouédraogo, Kiswendsida Romaric Nanema, Sawa Camara, Moussa Sié, Pauline Bationo-Kando, Mahamadou Sawadogo
Renseignée par : SAWADOGO Nerbéwendé

In Guinea, traditional rice varieties are the most widely cultivated in rural areas despite their low yield and high susceptibility to iron toxicity. Moreover, the introduction of new improved varieties tolerant to iron toxicity poses a
serious threat to t he preservation of the genetic resources of these traditional varieties, whose genetic diversity remains poorly known. The present study therefore aims at a better valorisation of these local rice cultivars through the evaluation of their agromorphological diversity and the identification of genotypes potentially tolerant or resistant to iron toxicity. Thus, 90 accessions collected in the regions of Kindia and Macenta and six controls susceptible or
resistant to iron toxicity (AZUCENA, BOUAKE 189, CK 73, IR 64, NERICAL 19 and AURYLUX 6) were evaluated in three replicate alpha lattice designs in two sites (Sérédou and Kilissi) using 16 agromorphological traits. The results
showed significant agromorphological variability of the traditional accessions at both sites for all qualitative and most quantitative traits studied. In addition, 30 local cultivars expressed similar or higher grain yields than the resistant or tolerant controls at both sites, of which 12 were found to be stable at both sites. Of the 12 cult ivars identified, five were resistant and seven tolerant to iron toxicity. These 12 accessions could be used in the varietal improvement of lowland rice in Guinea Conakry.


Local Varieties, Oryza, Genetic Variability, Environmental Stress, Guinea
