Détails Publication
Individual efficiencies of a polycrystalline silicon PV cell versus temperature,
Auteur(s): Adama Ouédraogo, Bernard Zouma, Emmanuel Ouédraogo, Lamoussa Guissou, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiébo
Renseignée par : OUEDRAOGO Adama

The present paper is about an investigation on the temperature dependence of efficiencies of individual energetic process (Absorption efficiency, Thermalization efficiency, Thermodynamic efficiency and Fill factor) and overall conversion efficiencies of a polycrystalline silicon solar cell which has been investigated in temperature range 10–50 °C. All these individual efficiencies present a decrease versus the increase of the temperature. However, the thermodynamic efficiency and the fill factor are more sensitive to the temperature increase more than the absorption and thermalization efficiencies. The thermodynamic efficiency and the fill factor degradation is explained by decrease of open circuit voltage in temperature. The performance parameters as open circuit voltage, maximum power and the overall efficiencies are found to decrease with temperature while the short circuit current is observed an increase. The resistance of the semiconductor decreases with the increase of the temperature. The minoritary carriers charge acquire excessive kinetic energy which can exceed the gap energy causing an over-excitement when the temperature increase. However, this over-excitement of the minoritary carriers charge does not participate to the external current improvement.


Polycrystalline silicon PV cell, Absorption efficiency, Thermalization efficiency, Thermodynamic efficiency, Fill factor, Conversion efficiency, Temperature
