Détails Publication
Bioefficacy of seed oils from combretum and lannea species against Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae),
Auteur(s): Samuel Fogné Drabo, Judicaël Thomas Ouilly, Rahim Romba, Imael H. N. Bassole & Olivier Gnankine
Renseignée par : DRABO Samuel Fogné

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a major pest of many agricultural and ornamental crops responsible for damages that cause significant economic losses. Insecticides are commonly used in the field to control populations of B. tabaci leading to rapid development of resistance making the use of insecticides ineffective. Therefore, other strategies must be developed for the management this pest. Herein, we compare the toxicity of Lannea velutina, Combretum micrantum, Combretum paniculatum, Lannea kerstingii seed oils and three fractions (acetone, chloroform and hexane of Lannea kerstingii) to three conventional insecticides (acetamiprid, deltamethrin and chlorpyriphos-ethyl used as a positive control) using the leaf dip method. Two biotypes of B. tabaci (MED-Q1 and MED-Q3) belonging to Mediterranean species and collected in Burkina Faso were used. We have shown that the two biotypes have different levels of resistance compare to the three insecticides, with MED-Q3 being most susceptible. On the other hand, both biotypes are most susceptible to plant extracts compare to the insecticides, with the exception of chlorpyrifos-ethyl. Our results indicate that seeds oils can be an alternative to chemical control


Bemisia tabaci · Lannea kerstingii · Seeds oil · Acetonic extract · Leaf dip method
