Détails Publication
Social perceptions of malaria and diagnostic-driven malaria treatment in Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Orokia Traore, Awa Ouedraogo, Moussa Compaore, Kader Nikiema, Abdoulaye Zombre, Martin Kiendrebeogo , Bertrand Blankert, Pierre Duez
Renseignée par : COMPAORE Moussa

Malaria is a parasitic disease, endemic in many tropical and sub-tropical countries. Malaria is a well-known disease, familiar to almost all people in endemic regions, as they or their family are regularly confronted with it; everyone in these regions has probably experienced the disease, at least once in their life. To investigate the social perceptions of malaria in Burkina Faso, including its diagnosis-driven treatment, we have conducted a survey in both urban (Saint Camille Hospital, Ouagadougou HOSCO) and rural (Bousse Hospital) areas. Fifty-six individuals, mostly representatives of the society variability, were surveyed by questionnaires and 2 focus groups were organized with traditional healers. In general, populations seem to have grasped the causes, symptoms and means of preventing the disease. However, the majority of interviewees make a marked confusion between malaria and dengue; dengue fever is considered like a severe form of malaria. The care modalities (modern and/or traditional medicine) are plural and the choice of therapeutic practice depends on both the socio-economic conditions and education level of the patient. Whereas some patients mark preferences for one type of medicine, others simultaneously recourse to both; for these, a medicine does not outperform the other and their combination multiplies the chances of a quick recovery. Whether for modern or traditional medicine, the diagnosis is considered very important for effective disease management. Modern medicine uses diagnostic tools based on light microscopy and immunochromatography (rapid diagnostic tests; RDT); traditional medicine has its own diagnostic logic but nevertheless recognizes modern medicine diagnosis to guide its therapy.
90 % of those interviewed first use modern medicine to seek an accurate diagnosis of their disease and thus to
receive adequate treatment. Presumptive treatments are still widely prescribed and accepted by most patients
who trust the judgment of their caregiver, not perceiving any benefit to an objective diagnosis. In front of a
negative diagnosis, patient reactions are diverse, some accepting investigations for other diseases (45 %), others
opting for self-medication (15 %), others resorting to traditional medicine (20 %).
All are unanimous in the importance of diagnosis and are in favor of in-development diagnostic technologies,
provided these obviously meet the features of reliability, ease of use, availability and, of course, economical


Public Health, Quality of live, Epidemiology, Diganoctis, Health education, Traditional medicine
