Flavonoids represent a large group of natural compounds with an impressive variety of biological activities, such as antioxidant [1], anti-inflammatory [2], antiallergic [3], antiplasmodial [4], anti-cancer [5], antimicrobial [6], antifungal [7], and neuroprotective [8] properties. Many biological properties of Mentha piperitaex-tracts are attributed to flavonoids. For instance, Sroka et al [9] reported that the strong antiradical and anti H 2 O 2 activity of Mentha piperita from Poland are due to flavonoid diglycosides. Inoue et al [10] showed that luteolin-7-o-rutinoside is responsible of the antiallergic effect of Mentha piperita. From previous studies, it was demonstrated that the vast majority of flavonoids identified in polar extracts of peppermint (Mentha piperita) are diglycoside flavanones, such as eriocitrin, hesperidin and narirutin, and diglycoside flavones, such as luteolin-7-o-rutinoside …