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Effets de la date de semis et du régime hydrique sur la réponse agromorphologique de deux variétés de niébé (KN1 ET KVX 61-1) au Burkina Faso [Effects of planti...,
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Auteur(s): H. BAZIE
Auteur(s) tagués: BAZIE Hugues Roméo
Renseignée par : BAZIE Hugues Roméo

Abstract Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is a basic food product which is cultivated in the savannas of west Africa. Its cultivation is confronted to biotic and abiotic constraints. The abiotic constraints are primarily of climatic types (recorded rainfall, temperature). The bad spatiotemporal distribution of recorded rainfall, as well as the high temperatures accentuate the drought which blocks the production of cowpea. The aim of this study is to identify the varieties of cowpea that is adapted to the cultivation of dry season, to determine the suitable hydrous mode and its (their) period (s) in the year favorable to the cultivation of dry season of cowpea. Thus, two varieties of cowpeaKN1 and KVX 61.1 were cultivated in pots of 6 liters in real medium, during the hot period of the year. This study reveals that KVX 61.1 sown and sprint led starting from March 26th every two makes it possible to obtain a rather good …

