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Soil Properties and Tomato Productivity Improvement by Use of Polyter and Turbo-Bio in Sudanese Zone of Burkina Faso,
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Auteur(s): OUEDROGO Harouna, HIEN Edmond, COULIBALY Alou and DIALLO Yacouba
Auteur(s) tagués: HIEN Edmond
Renseignée par : HIEN Edmond

In Burkina Faso, vegetable production is challenged by low soil fertility and unavailability of irrigation water associated with numerous dry sequences. The study's objective is to apprehend the performance of polyter and turbo-bio on soil and tomato productivity. A trial was set up, in a controlled environment and in vegetation vases, according to a totally randomized complete block design with four replications and twenty treatments resulting from the combination of soil type, fertilization and water stress. Observations were made on growth and biomass production assessment. Co2 release, pH, carbon, nitrogen, available phosphorus and moisture content were measured. The results showed that the polyter and turbo-bio improved the pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus of the soil. They induced an increase in moisture content from 2.57 to 113.41% and from 4 to 75.78% for roots biomass production, and from 4 to 61.97% for aboveground biomass production compared to the control. In a context of global changes, polyter and turbo-bio could be an alternative for improving soil fertility and tomato productivity in Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso.


Polyter, turbo-bio, tomato productivity, crop biomass, water stress
