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Production technique, safety and quality of soumbala, a local food condiment sold and consumed in Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): 72. Yérobessor Dabiré, Iliassou Mogmenga, Marius K. Somda, Jerry O. Ugwuanyi, Lewis I. Ezeogu, Mamoudou H. DICKO and Alfred S. Traoré
Renseignée par : DICKO Mamoudou Hama

Exploitation of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) is after agriculture and breeding the third source of income in Burkina Faso. Soumbala, made from alkaline fermentation of Parkia biglobosa seeds, is one of the most popular indigenous foods condiments very prized by the Burkinabes. This study aimed to assess the process practices and safety measures to ensures good quality along the production chain of soumbala. A literature survey followed by investigations was performed. Sphinx Millennium V4.5 software was used for data processing and analysis. The results showed that soumbala production is essentially a women activity with Mossi and Lobi the most active ethnic groups in soumbala manufacture. The organoleptic and nutritional qualities as well as safety and stability of soumbala depend on the production conditions. The production and sale conditions, the ignorance of rules of hygiene, the lack of training in quality management system or concept of good manufacturing practice (GMP) and the non-compliance practices of processors induced sanitary risks for consumers. Results of this study confirmed the needs to set up training program for GMP, environmental sanitation and personal hygiene both for processor-sellers to improve the safety of soumbala


Technology of production, food safety, food quality, Soumbala
