Détails Publication
Endogenous Knowledge and Socio-Economic Importance of Squash (Cucurbita sp.) in Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Soumbougma Benoît *, Kiebre Zakaria, Kiebre Mariam, Tiama Djakaridia, Kabre Nikodeme, Ouedraogo Jacques, Bationo-Kando Pauline
Renseignée par : BATIONO Pauline

Squash (Cucurbita sp) is one of the vegetables-fruits used in human nutrition and in traditional medicine. This study contributes to a better understanding of endogenous squash practices related to socio-demographic factors (age and gender) and socio-cultural group in Burkina Faso. To this end, 194 semi-structured personal interviews were conducted in nine regions (South-West, Central-West, Central-South, Central-East, Central, North, Boucle du Mouhoun, East, and Hauts-Bassins) of the country using the random method. The relative frequency of citation, the reported use value and the cultural importance index were used to quantify the uses and importance of the species. Totally, 27 uses were identified and registered into three categories of use, that are the most mentioned with the highest cultural importance values such as food and medicinal uses. The fruit is the part/organ of the plant more needed for food uses. Moreover it is locally marketed. Medicinal uses involve several organs/parts (fruit, leaf, stem, seed and root). Knowledge about the uses of Cucurbita sp varies between socio-cultural groups but not between gender and age groups. Indeed, the Bobo and Toussian socio-cultural groups, unlike the Mossi and Samo, have more knowledge about the uses of Cucurbita sp and prefer it for food uses. The promotion of the food uses of Cucurbita sp can be considered and thus serve as a starting point for its extended value improvement. However, future analyses should explore the genetic diversity of Cucurbita sp and focus on the agronomic, nutritional value and income generated by the plant as well as its expansion for value adding.


Squash, Cucurbita sp, Ethnobotany, Use
