Détails Publication
Fermentative Ability of Wheat Flour and Watermelon Puree Citrullus Lanatus (Thunb) Mixture Usable in Bread Making: a Preliminary Study,
Auteur(s): Mamadou Sadji, Penelope M Perkins-Veazie, Ndèye Fatou Ndiaye, Guoying MA, Chekna Zongo, Yves Traore, Mohamadou Diop Sall, Alfred Traore
Renseignée par : ZONGO Cheikna

This study investigated the processing quality of watermelon puree in bread making. A mixture composed of wheat flour (95%) and puree from "Kaolack" watermelon variety (5%) (MWF-PKW) was made to evaluate its fermentative ability. Results showed that the rheological properties of MWF-PKW were satisfactory.

The maximum development of the dough, Hm (81.9 mm) was close to that of the reference (100% wheat flour) which was 82 mm. The gas evolution curve from the mixture (MWF-PKW) showed a H’m (68.4 mm) higher than that of the wheat flour (H’m = 65.1 mm). This value was obtained in a shorter time T ‘ 1 (1 h 04 min 30 s) compared to wheat flour (T’1 = 1 h 55 min 30 s).

The total gas volume (1566 ml) was higher than the wheat flour (1448 ml), and was sufficient to raise the dough. A small amount of the gas was lost (99 ml) due to a strong retention capacity of the mixture (1467 ml), whose coefficient was 93.7% compared to 92.2% for the wheat flour. The Falling Number of the mixture (FN=328 sk) was lower than that of the control wheat flour (FN=370 s). This difference could be from higher enzymatic activity in the mixture because of more amylases. This study shows that the watermelon puree could be used by bakers or millers to correct batches of hypodiastaticemo wheat flours with a high Falling Number (over 400 s) from a lack of enzymes.

