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Impact of road construction on the distribution of Crocodylus suchus (Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1807) in urban park Bangr-Weoogo (Burkina Faso),
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Auteur(s): Ilassa Ouedraogo, Idrissa Ouedraogo, Noëllie W Kpoda, Adama Oueda, Victor Bance, Justine Kabore, Gustve B Kabre
Auteur(s) tagués: KPODA Winkom Noellie ; OUEDA Adama
Renseignée par : KPODA Winkom Noellie

In contrast to other anthropogenic activities, little is known about impact of road construction on reptile’s distribution in urban areas. Therefore, the present study aimed at quantifying impact of road construction on C. suchus distribution. It was conducted from February 2016 to May 2018, in the urban Park Bangr-weoogo. C. suchus populations were counted day by used binoculars pairs and night by spotlight. The different observations were carried on foot. Every time, we observed crocodile, we visually estimate its size class. When we couldn’t appreciate the size of an individual, it was just noted as eyes only. About road works, direct observations have been done and noted. To have mapping of the dynamics of crocodile habitats in the park, aerial shots were taken during road construction. We used QGIS version 2.18.2 to establish map distribution of crocodiles. A total of 145 crocodiles including 10.34% of hatchlings, 17.93% of juveniles, 31.03% of subadults and 24.14 of adults were counted before road works. While during road work, 202 crocodiles were counted, whose 5.45% of hatchlings, 19.8% of juveniles, 30.69% of subadults and 37.62% of adults. Road work has led to a loss of crocodile habitat.


protected area, Habitat, Abundance
