Publications (32)

Ethnobotanical and Phytochemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants from Burkina Faso Used to Increase Physical Performance

Hemayoro Sama, Modeste Traoré, Samson Guenné, Ibrahim Séré, Adama Hilou, Mamoudou H Dicko

Phytochemistry and alternative use of sweeteners in metabolic diseases

Ibrahim KABORE, Mamounata DIAO, Samson GUENNE, Amana METUOR-DABIRE, Hemayoro SAMA, Alin CIOBICA, Adama HILOU, Martin KIENDREBEOGO

Antifungal potential and fatty acid profile of two Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) oils

Hemayoro Sama, Pierre Alexandre Eric Djifaby Sombié, Samson Guenne, Hervé Banemane Soura, Adama Hilou

Expression of APX1, JcHSP1 and JcHSP2 genes in three Jatropha curcas L. ecotypes under light and water stress in Burkina Faso

Razacswendé Fanta OUEDRAOGO*1, Cyrille BISSEYE2,3, Kouka Fidèle TIENDREBEOGO4, Hemayoro SAMA5, Makido OUEDRAOGO1, Gérard ZOMBRE1 and Jacques SIMPORE3,6