Publications (42)

Production and Physicochemical Characterization of Balanites aegyptiaca Nectar Lyophilisate for a Refreshing Drink Production

Tapsoba François, Bationo Frédéric, Dawendé/Compaoré Sidbewendé Clarisse, Pacmogda Emmanuel, Zongo Oumarou, Cisse Hama, Zongo Cheikna and Savadogo Aly

Heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria detected in fermented cassava dough and attiéké sold in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Ibonyé DIENI, Touwendsida Serge BAGRE, Kuan Abdoulaye TRAORE, Oumarou ZONGO, François TAPSOBA, Bazuin Sylvain Raoul BAZIE, Marguerite Edith Malatala NIKIEMA, Abdallah SAWADOGO and Nicolas BARRO

Assessment of the hygienic and microbiological quality of ready-to-use liquid traditional medicines sold in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Ouattara Lamoussa Paul, Sawadogo Adama, Tapsoba François, Konaté Zégué Amidou, Coulibaly Anass, Ouédraogo Abdou Rasmane, Cissé Hama, Zongo Cheikna and Savadogo Aly

Surgical Site Infection (SSI) in the National Referral General Hospital of Ndjamena (Chad): Survey about Risk Factors

Hassan Mahamat Ali, Yeri Esther Hien, Cheikna Zongo, Denis Erbi, Ali Haroun Hissein, François Tapsoba, Abacar Mahamat Tahir, Brahim Adoum Ahamt, Yves Traore, Aly Savadogo