Publications (15)

Grains production in high climate change impacted regions and its potential for the supply of critical nutrients for humans nutritional well being

Tiatou Souho , Damipie Bomboma, Ella W. R. Compaoré, Abel Abli Essowèréou, Batcha Ouadja, Marcelle Kabassina, Mikemina Pilo, Rebecca Rachel Assa Epse Yao and Kou’santa Sabiba Amouzou

Discontinuation of healthcare and factors associated to mortality among severe acute malnourished children under five years in healthcare and nutritional care settings

Ella W R Compaoré, Michel Eric W Kiemdé, Tiatou Souho, Ousmane Ouedraogo, Virginio Pietra, Koffi Agbokou, Noel Zagre, Kou'santa Emile Amouzou, Mamoudou H Dicko

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Cost-free Nutrition Programme on Children in Reo Health District, Burkina Faso

Compaore Wendinpuikondo Raketa Ella, Ouedraogo Ousmane, Souho Tiatou, Nikiema Philippe Augustin, Virginio Pietra, Ellahi Basma, Amouzou Sabiba Kou’santa Emile, Meda Nicolas, Dicko Hama Mamoudou

Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Mothers of 0-23 Months Children in Public Healthcare Centre in Togo

Compaore Wendinpuikondo Raketa Ella, Agbokou Koffi Apéali Wassiou, Ouedraogo Ousmane, Souho Tiatou, Mouawiyatou Bouraima, Virginio Pietra, Kiemde Wend-Lassida Michel Eric, Zagre Marie Noel, Amouzou Sabiba Kou’Santa Emile, Meda Nicolas, Dicko Hama Mamoudou