Publications renseignées(59)

Antibacterial and phytochemical studies of three Acanthaceae species used in Burkina Faso traditional medicine

Ouattara Nabèrè, Hilou Adama, Guenné Samson, Konaté Kiessoum, Zerbo Patrice, Meda Nâg-Tiero Roland, Compaoré Moussa, Kiendrébeogo Martin, Millogo F. Jeanne and Nacoulma O. Germaine

Carotenoids content and antibacterial activity from galls of Guiera senegalensis JF Gmel (combretaceae).

Sombie Pierre Alexandre Eric Djifaby, Coulibaly Ahmed Yacouba,Hilou Adama,Konate Kiessoum, Compaore Moussa Marie-Hyacinthe, Nacoulma Odile Germaine