Publications renseignées(59)

Social perceptions of malaria and diagnostic-driven malaria treatment in Burkina Faso

Orokia Traore, Awa Ouedraogo, Moussa Compaore, Kader Nikiema, Abdoulaye Zombre, Martin Kiendrebeogo , Bertrand Blankert, Pierre Duez

The metabolomic study of Calotropis procera Ait. from Burkina Faso, based on chemical functional groups profiling using FTIR

Prosper T Kinda, Aminata P Nacoulma, Samson Guenné, Moussa Compaoré, Abdoulaye Djandé, Latifou Lagnika, Martin Kiendrébéogo

Development and validation of an original magneto-chromatography device for the whole blood determination of hemozoin, the paramagnetic malaria pigment

Orokia Traore, Moussa Compaore, Philippe Okusa, François Hubinon, Pierre Duez, Bertrand Blankert, Martin Kindrebeogo

Toxicological characterization and central nervous system effects of Calotropis procera Ait. aqueous extracts in mice

Prosper T Kinda, Samson Guenné, Moussa Compaoré, Balé Bayala, Alin Ciobica, Raymond Belemtougri, Martin Kiendrebéogo