Publications renseignées(142)

Changes in physicochemical properties and bioactive compounds of tomato pulp submitted to different processing techniques

64. Edwige Bahanla OBOULBIGA, Charles Parkouda, Boubacar Savadogo, Aimée W. D. B. Guissou, Korotimi Traore, Alfred S. TRAORE, Hagrétou Sawadogo-Lingani and Mamoudou H. DICKO

Biochemical composition of Saba senegalensis fruits from Burkina Faso

Salamata TIENDREBEOGO, Leguet GANOU, Clarisse S. COMPAORE, Fidèle W. TAPSOBA and Mamoudou H. DICKO

Evaluation of the nutritional and antioxidant potentialities of Capparis corymbosa

70. Edwige N. ROAMBA, Crépin I. DIBALA, Marcel D. BENGALY, Mamounata DIAO, Kiessoun KONATE and Mamoudou H. DICKO

Cultural practices and pesticides contamination level of tomato in two gardening sites in the region of Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso.

Abdoudramane Sanou, Kiessoun Konate, Hemayoro Sama, Roger Dakuyo, Kabakdé Kabore, Mamounata Diao, Crépin Ibingou Dibala and Mamoudou Hama Dicko.