Publications renseignées(55)

Investigating the Impact of Base Heating and External Electric Field on PV Cell Performance under Intense Illumination

Boubacar Soro, Guy Serge Tchouadep, Esso-Ehanam Tchedre Kpeli, Ousmane Souliga, Adama Ouedraogo, Issa Zerbo, Martial Zoungrana

Mobility and Decoherence of Bipolaron in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Pseudodot Quantum Qubit

C. Kenfack-Sadem, J. V. Nguepnang, S. Nse Biyoghe, N. Addison, V. D. Bokoyo Barandja, Issa Zerbo

Impacts of the base and emitter doping rate on the internal quantum efficiency

Ramatou Konate; Bernard Zouma; Mahamadi Savadogo; Fabe Idrissa Barro; Issa Zerbo; Martial Zoungrana; Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo