Publications renseignées(55)

Impacts of the base and emitter doping rate on the internal quantum efficiency

Ramatou Konate; Bernard Zouma ; Mahamadi Savadogo; Fabe Idrissa Barro; Issa Zerbo; Martial Zoungrana; Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo

Modélisation à 3D des effets des pertes d’électrons à la jonction d’une cellule PV au silicium polycristallin sur ses performances

Ramatou Saré, Mamoudou Saria, Dioari Ulrich Combari, Idrissa Sourabié, Vinci De Dieu Bokoyo Barandja, Martial Zoungrana, and Issa Zerbo

Three-Dimensional Study of the Effect of the Angle of Incidence of a Magnetic Field on the Electrical Power and Conversion Efficiency of a Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cell under Multispectral Illumination

Idrissa Sourabié, Vinci de Dieu Bokoyo Barandja, Mahamadi Savadogo, Ramatou Konaté, Alain Doua Gnabahou, Martial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo, Frédéric Ouattara