Publications renseignées(55)

Modeling the response of an illuminated polysilicon solar cell under the influence of radio waves, a 3D approach

Vinci de Dieu Bokoyo Barandja, Bienvenu Magloire Pakouzou, Emmanuel Wendsongré Ramdé, Jean M’boliguipa, Mamoudou Saria, Martial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo

Investigating the Effect of Inclination Angle of Magnetic Field Vector on Silicon PV Modules

Dioari Ulrich Combari , Emmanuel Wendsongré Ramde, Bruno Korgo, Ramatou Saré, Martial Zoungrana , and Issa Zerbo

The Radiative Forcing of Aerosols in a West Africa Sahelian Urban City: Case Study of Ouagadougou

Bruno Korgo, Pétronille Kafando, Bernard Zouma, Nebon Bado, Issa Zerbo, Jean-Claude Roger, Joseph D. Bathiebo

Diurnal Variability of the Radiative Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A Seasonal Approach

Bruno Korgo, Bernard Zouma, Pétronille Kafando, Nebon Bado, Martial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo, Jean-Claude Roger, Joseph D. Bathiebo