Assessing pollution and comparative study of mineral micropollutants groundwater of catchment-area Sissili-Burkina Faso
Statut: En cours
Details: Abstract: In Burkina Faso, the majority of the rural population is supplied with drinking water from groundwater. However, human activities around certain water points make this resource unfit for consumption, as is the case in the Sissili watershed. As the degree of pollution is already defined, it is therefore necessary to monitor the evolution of pollution in the long term to assess the consistency of groundwater quality. In addition, groundwater abstraction for irrigation is estimated at 85%, or 46% of water demand. These withdrawals in time can cause zones of depression. Our objective is to estimate this pollution and compare the values in the case of groundwater contamination by micropollutants. The aim is to establish a conceptual model calibrated with field data using the GMS software over 50 years, and then to carry out a simulation of the contaminant in order to assess the current and future state of the pollution using the MT3D code. Then, it will be a question of averaging different mineral micropollutants that do not respect the standards of 58 analyses concerning micropollutants (Pb, F, Cn, As) with inferential statistical evaluation techniques. This approach will also allow to take into account the spatial evolution between micropollutants, to give an idea of the progression of contamination in a bedrock environment. The results show that the evolution of pollution over the next 50 years respects the extrapolation of the inferential statistics for the micropollutants cyanide, fluorine and arsenic. While the confidence interval for lead is not respected. We also note that the values from the GMS software respect the tolerance intervals at 5% error.