Combustion of vegetable oils under optimized conditions of atomization and granulometry in a modified fuel oil burner,
Auteur(s): Tizane Daho, Gilles Vaitilingom, Oumar Sanogo, Salifou K. Ouiminga, Augustin S. Zongo, Bruno Piriou, Jean Koulidiati.
Auteur(s) tagués: Tizane DAHO ;

The use of vegetable oils in burners represents an attractive alternative to the use of heating fuel oil (HFO)
in heat production for domestic heating, small industrial units, drying of various products etc. In this
work, a characterization of the combustion of cottonseed oil in a modified burner (type Riello 40N10)
was performed to assess its ability to achieve proper combustion of vegetable oils in optimized conditions of atomization and granulometry. The quality of the combustion has been evaluated by the analysis
of combustion products (CO, O2, CO2, NO, NO2, SO2) and organic compounds including PAHs. Results show
that the modifications made on the burner type 40N10 can achieve suitable spray conditions and give
particle size within the recommended values for burners. In the case of Riello 40N10 burner, a fuel pressure of 28 bars is adequate and the minimum temperature required for oil preheating is 125 C. When
these conditions are achieved, cottonseed oil combustion leads to the emission of non-condensable gases
and the organic compounds species as well as their concentration close to those of HFO.


Vegetable oil Atomization Granulometry Burner Combustion
