Physicochemical and Microbiological Qualities of Traditional Cereal-Based Porridges Sold in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso),
Auteur(s): Boureima Kagambèga1, Hama Cissé1, Sidbewendé Clarisse Compaoré2, François Tapsoba1, Souleymane Zongo2, Adama Sawadogo1, Cheikna Zongo1, Yves Traoré1, Aly Savadogo1,*
Auteur(s) tagués: BOUREIMA KAGAMBEGA ;

Abstract Cereals are major sources of energy and micronutrients for people in West Africa, especially in Burkina Faso because they are included in many dishes like traditional porridge. The purpose of this study is to analyze the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of various traditional cereal-based porridges. The physicochemical analysis focused on pH, viscosity, acidity measurements, dosing energetic nutrients and evaluate energy densities of porridges. Aerobic total mesophilic flora (ATMF), coliforms, yeasts and molds and Staphylococci have been counted. Physicochemical analysis of the porridges were: pH (4 to 9.55), viscosities (32 to 187.5mm/sec), acidities (0.04 to 0.23g/100g), dry matter (5.04 to 49.97%), Ashes (0.64 to 05.00%), fats (06.60 to 18.26%), proteins (07.22 to 10.22%), carbohydrates (30.61 to 80.52%), energy densities (17.82 to 114.73 Kcal/100g). Microbiological analysis of porridges showed high loads of 1.19x104 CFU/g, 5.5x102 CFU/g, 1.56x103 CFU/g and 6x101 CFU/g for ATMF, coliforms, yeasts and molds and Staphylococci, respectively. Eleven ingredients were used for the production of porridges. This study shows that the actors of this sector need to be trained on good hygiene practices.


porridge cereal microorganism nutrient
