Assessment of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Mutant Lines for Drought Tolerance,
Auteur(s): Karidiatou Gnankambary, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo , Zakaria Dieni, Téyouré Benoit Joseph Batieno, Jean Baptiste De Salle Tignegré, Mahamadou Sawadogo, Tinga Jeremy Ouédraogo

Cowpea provides the cheapest source of protein with an average range of protein content of 23–30%. However, cowpea growth, development, and yield are greatly affected by drought during flowering and pod filling in the sub-Sahelian areas. e best way to cope with this situation is to develop drought-tolerant cowpea varieties.e objective of this study was therefore to evaluate cowpea lines developed through mutagenesis using gamma radiation to assess their reaction under optimal and water-stressed conditions.e response of ten mutants-irradiated Moussa local was then evaluated in pots arranged in a split plot design in a screen house. Two conditions were applied with optimum and water-stressed conditions. e stress was applied for two weeks at f lowering. Two cowpea varieties Gorom local (drought-tolerant) and Moussa local (susceptible) nonirradiated were used as checks.ereafter, field trials under two different sowing dates were conducted to identify the best tolerant mutant line(s) using agromorphological and tolerance indicators. e results indicated that mutant lines (MoussaM51-4P10 and MoussaM43-20P14) exhibited better stress tolerance and produced higher yield under water stress conditions. Stress Tolerance Index (STI) was better to select cowpea mutant tolerant with higher yielding under moderate stress (SI�35%). e study confirmed that water stress has a negative effect on cowpea seeds production and on leaf chlorophyll content. e high temperature during experiment increased water stress effect mainly on non-irradiated checks (Gorom local and Moussa local).

