Performance agronomique et mise en évidence de la distinction inter-variétale, de l’homogénéité et de la stabilité intra-variétale de sept variétés de sorgho au Burkina Faso,
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Auteur(s): Nofou OUEDRAOGO, Nerbewende SAWADOGO, Minimassom P NIKIEMA, Issouf KOURAOGO, Armel P. SAWADOGO, Baloua NEBIE
Auteur(s) tagués: Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO ;

Sorghum is a main cereal crop in Burkina Faso and constitute the basis of the diet for rural populations. However, its production is largely ensured by local varieties and only a small proportion is ensured by improved varieties. The objective of this study is to highlight the distinction, homogeneity, stability and performance of new guinea lines in order to facilitate their registration. Thus, eight lines including a reference control (Kapelga) were evaluated through a Fisher block design during two years (2019 and 2020). The result of this study showed a high inter-lines variability for all the traits studied and a low intra-lines variability for parameters related to panicle and grain shape. The seven lines tested showed considerable distinctions with the control through the anthocyanin pigmentation of the coleoptile, heading date of panicles, the aristation of the glumella and the plant height. The lines were stable for parameters related to panicle and grain shape. These lines are sufficiently distinct from the control, homogeneous and stable, therefore, may be submitted for release in the national catalogue.


Sorghum guinea line distinction homogeneity stability performance
