lmpact of land use on the occurrence and diversity of mosquitoes’ species in Burkina Faso ()
Montant: 15000
Montant UJKZ: 15000
Frais: 00
Devise: Dollar US

Internal migration of populations from degraded areas to those in favor of agro-pastoral activities, the spread of new agricultural
practices combined the creation of water reserves contribute to accelerating the degradation of the original environment. This
change create an ecological niche specialization within some anopheline mosquitoes. More, it has been shown that the land use
types are likely to vary vectors dispersal abilities and their densities. Once saved by land degradation phenomenon because of the
abundance of arable land, the regions of Burkina Faso are now subject to an environmental crisis. It is the reason why the
current project has been undertaken. It aim to investigate what impact land use change has on the abundance, diversity and
ecology of mosquito populations in Burkina Faso. We hypothesized that land use changes create a microclimatic conditions for
mosquitoes, subsequently enhance species abundance, diversity and the risk of mosquito borne diseases. The overall outcome of
the project is to collect extensive data on mosquito occurrence, diversity, abundance, and disease risk. This will be used to
identify if land use change, has a significant impact on mosquito community dynamics and infection rates. More, this project
will contribute to integrated disease control programs in Burkina Faso.


