Publications renseignées(45)

Hospital-based Sentinel Surveillance of Haemophilus influenzae Type b among Children in Burkina Faso, 2004-2012: Impact of Vaccine Introduction

Idrissa Sanou, Isidore Juste O Bonkoungou, Isabelle Bicaba, Ali Ouedraogo, Fabienne Soudre, Sylvain Zeba, Isaïe Medah, Ludovic Kam and Lassana Sangare.

Sickle-cell disease and malaria: evaluation of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Senegalese patients—a randomized placebo-controlled trial.

Saliou Diop, Fabienne Soudré, Moussa Seck, Youssou Bamar Guèye, Tandakha Ndiaye Diéye, Awa Oumar Touré Fall, Abibatou Sall, Doudou Thiam & Lamine Diakhaté.