Publications renseignées(32)

Effects of growing zones on nutritional and bioactive compounds of by-products of two tomato cultivars

Kabakdé Kaboré, Kiessoun Konaté , David Bazié, Roger Dakuyo, Abdoudramane Sanou, Hemayoro Sama, Balamoussa Santara, Mamoudou Hama Dicko

Evaluation of the Value Nutritious Leaves Five Varieties Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Cultivated in Burkina Faso

Boampoundi Hélène Ouoba, Amana Metuor Dabire, Sidnooma Véronique Zongo, Hemayoro Sama, Samson Guenne, Renan Ernest Traore, Jacques Simpore

Comparison of Proximate and Phytonutrient Compositions of Cashew Nuts and Apples from Different Geographical Areas of Burkina Faso

Roger DAKUYO KIESSOUN KONATÉ Abdoudramane SANOU Kabakdé KABORE Hemayoro SAMA David Bazie MAMOUNATA DIAO Mamoudou H. DICKO, Prof.

Effect of pedo-climatic conditions on physicochemical and agro-industrial potential of three wild fruits from Burkina Faso

35. Sama Hemayoro, Dieudonne Kimbie Traore, Samson Guenné, Adama Hilou and Mamoudou H. DICKO

Nutritional and phytochemical characterization of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] germplasm from Burkina Faso

Nicolas Ouédraogo, Pierre Alexandre Eric Djifaby Sombié, Renan Ernest Traoré, Hemayoro Sama, Pauline Bationo/Kando, Mahamadou Sawadogo and Vincent Lebot