Publications renseignées(18)

Effect of pedo-climatic conditions on physicochemical and agro-industrial potential of three wild fruits from Burkina Faso

35. Sama Hemayoro, Dieudonne Kimbie Traore, Samson Guenné, Adama Hilou and Mamoudou H. DICKO

Perceptions sur les Conduites Dopantes dans le Sport dans la Ville de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

Ouédraogo C., Guenné S., Somda M.B., Blanche M’Po S.M., Sidibe I., Sere I., & Roland Méda N

Ethnobotanical and Phytochemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants from Burkina Faso Used to Increase Physical Performance

Hemayoro Sama, Modeste Traoré, Samson Guenné, Ibrahim Séré, Adama Hilou, Mamoudou H Dicko

Phytochemistry and alternative use of sweeteners in metabolic diseases

Ibrahim KABORE, Mamounata DIAO, Samson GUENNE, Amana METUOR-DABIRE, Hemayoro SAMA, Alin CIOBICA, Adama HILOU, Martin KIENDREBEOGO