Publications renseignées(18)

Methodological Aspects Regarding the Interactions Between Microflora and Neuropsychiatric/Metabolic Disorders

Georgiana OPREA, Madalina GHIDERSA, Ioana-Miruna BALMUS, Iuliana Simona LUCA, Alin CIOBICA, Samson GUENNE, Mirela CIMPEANU

Evaluation of the Bio Protective Value of the Leaves of Sixty Varieties of Taro (Colocasia Esculenta) Cultivated in Burkina Faso

METUOR DABIRE Amana, OUOBA Boampoundi Helene, GUENNE Samson, ZONGO Sidnooma Veronique, SAMA Hemayoro, TRAORE Renan Ernest

Evaluation of the Value Nutritious Leaves Five Varieties Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Cultivated in Burkina Faso

Boampoundi Hélène Ouoba, Amana Metuor Dabire, Sidnooma Véronique Zongo, Hemayoro Sama, Samson Guenne, Renan Ernest Traore, Jacques Simpore