Publications renseignées(14)

Port des équipements de protection individuelle dans le contexte de la COVID-19 dans un centre hospitalier du Burkina Faso

Dori, D., Tapsoba, I., Bavouma Sombié, C., Zimé-Diawara, H., Ouédraogo, M., Semdé, R., Yé-Ouattara, D. & Ouédraogo-Traoré, R

In Vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Various E. senegalensis Extracts

Souleymane Fofana, Cédric Delporte, Rafaèle Calvo Esposito, Moussa Ouédraogo, Pierre Van Antwerpen, Innocent Pierre Guissou, Rasmané Semdé and Véronique Mathieu

Contribution to the Valorization of Plants Used in the Management of Rheumatic Diseases in Burkina Faso

Aminata P. Nacoulma, Gontili Reine Elodie Karambiri, Naamwin-So-Bawfu Romaric Meda, Mindiédiba Jean Bangou, Moussa Ouedraogo, Dieu-Donné Ouedraogo

Acute toxicity, hepato-curative activity of extracts of a combination of plants on CCL4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and antiradical activity

Estelle Noëla Hoho Youl, Mahamadou Ballo, Pascal Nadembega, Assita Lamien-Sanou, Filkpièrè Léonard DA, Mahamane Haidara, Modibo Sangaré, Sékou Bah, Moussa Ouedraogo and Rokia Sanogo