Publications renseignées(14)

Self-reported health effects of pesticides among cotton farmers from the Central-West region in Burkina Faso

Jean Noël Dado Koussé, Sylvain Ilboudo, Jean Claude Romaric, Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Moritz Hunsmann , Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Moussa Ouédraogo, Félix Bondo Kini , Sylvin Ouédraogo

Phytochemical Analysis and Contractile Effects of Aqueous and Hydroethanolic Extracts of Anastatica hierochuntica L.(Brassicaceae) on the Isolated Uterus of Mice

Belem-Kabré Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther, Nitiéma Mathieu, Odjo Blondine Saïdath, Maman Noura Oumarou, Yaro Boubacar, Kaboré Boukaré, Somda Gaëtan Donzéo, Traoré Tata Kadiatou, Koala Moumouni, Ilboudo Sylvain, Ouédraogo Moussa, Kabré Elie, Ouédraogo Noufou

Assessment of pharmacy professionals’ knowledge and practice on the management and dispensing of investigational drugs in clinical trials

Grissoum Tarnagda, Moussa Ouedraogo, Bavouma Charles Sombié, Luc Kouka Delma , Eric Nagaonle Some, Jean Claude Romaric Pingwendé Ouédraogo, Olivier Sombié , Maxime K. Drabo and Rasmané Semdé