Publications (15)

A dynamic land use/land cover input helps in picturing the Sahelian paradox: Assessing variability and attribution of changes in surface runoff in a Sahelian watershed.

Roland Yonaba, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koïta, Fowé Tazen, Lawani Adjadi Mounirou, Cheick Oumar Zouré, Pierre Queloz, Harouna Karambiri, Hamma Yacouba

Multi-scale analysis of runoff from a statistical perspective in a small Sahelian catchment under semiarid climate.

Lawani Adjadi Mounirou, Cheick Oumar Zouré, Roland Yonaba, Jean- Emmanuel Paturel, Gil Mahé, Dial Niang, Hamma Yacouba, Harouna Karambiri

Modelling the water balance on farming practices at plot scale: Case study of Tougou watershed in Northern Burkina Faso.

Cheick Zouré, Pierre Queloz, Mahamadou Koïta, Dial Niang, Tazen Fowé, Roland Yonaba, David Consuegra, Hamma Yacouba, Harouna Karambiri

Relationship between soil water content and crop yield under sahelian climate conditions: case study of Tougou experimental site in Burkina Faso

Cheick Oumar Zouré, Mahamadou Koïta, Dial Niang, Izza Issa Baba, Ousmane Roland Yonaba, Amagana Emmanuel Dara, Tazen Fowé, Pierre Queloz and Harouna Karambiri

Estimation of Soil Hydrodynamic Parameters Related to Agricultural Practices – Case of Tougou Experimental Site (Burkina Faso).

Dial Niang, Mahamadou Koïta, Amadou Keita, Medogbe Christelle Manuela Houndayi, Cheick Oumar Zoure and Amagana Emmanuel Dara